Goldeneye 007 - Level 04 Surface 1 - 2x Grenade Launcher Cheat

1 year ago

This video shows how to unlock the cheat 2x Grenade Launcher. To unlock this cheat you need to complete Surface 1 on Secret Agent in under 3:30.

a: Power down communications disk
b: Obtain safe key
c: Steal building plans
d: Enter base via ventilation tower

In this level you need to move quickly across open areas between the objectives. Remember to use the control stick and the C-buttons to move faster. Remember to pick up the grenade launcher in the hut where you get the Large Key form the officer. If you shoot a granade on the roof of the vantilation tower you can shave some seconds off your time, so you don't have to shoot the four locks to open the vent.

Name: Goldeneye 007
Developer: RARE
Publisher: Nintendo
Platforms: Nintendo 64 (XBOX LA, Series, SWITCH)
Release Date: JP: 23 Aug 1997 / NA: 25 Aug 1997 / UK: 7 Nov 1997

â–ºNo Commentary Gameplay by TubaTheGamer (2023)â—„

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