Lessons from the elements!

10 months ago

Lessons from the elements!

Earth, wind, fire and water!

Understanding the 4 elements can help bring balance back into our lives.

Earth, reminding us of our physical body, our ability to heal and our requirement for nourishment.

Wind, our breath! Connecting to our breath to relax us, and bring us back to presence and harmony.

Fire, our strength, courage, drive, energy! Connecting us to our purpose and desires.

Water, reminding us of our flow and fluidity. Allowing our feelings and emotions to be felt and experienced and flowed through us.

The knowledge of these elements helps us understand the laws of nature, which helps us understand ourselves, and brings balance to our lives.

How can you connect to the elements within you to bring back balance and optimal wellness?

And for those that are ready, start to feel into the 5th natural element, the ether, or space… 💫

This was episode 2 of nature’s life lessons with Alex ☺️ I hope it helps you today.

#nature #wellness #health

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