The Grey Area - FINALE - Body Laundering, US Citizens on Kill List, UAPs/NRT/NRS (Episode 1 Part 6)

1 year ago

Tying in the Radiation and Mind Control Experiments into Conditioning for UAP Response and Recovery through the National Response Team and National Response System, Presidential Policy Directive 8, etc.

How the SSCI, AARO, Greer/Disclosure, Shawn Ryan Show, etc. are all inept, capped, controlled, complicit, corrupted.

Undercover Agents being stair stepped into going off the books BEFORE being read into such programs - so plausible deniability and 'burning' protocols are in place with existing blackmail, etc.

The American Kill List - Dissolution Matrix - with strikes carried out on US Soil being facilitated by black ops surgeons/morticians/body launderers, being abused by bureaucratic oversight, and much more.


Please follow me on various platforms as I expect for accounts etc to be deleted, as has happened in the past - even before censoring was such an issue.

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