My First Day At Work | Full Time Job | International Student | Canada Vlogs

10 months ago

My First Day on the Job/Office Essay so It was sharp 7:30 am when an excitement grew in side me and made me jump from the bed, what was so thrilling and the answer was that it was my very first day on my very first job. First day anywhere is very exciting but if it is on the job than the excitement doubles and become vast. I ran to the washroom took the bath and soon was already with my formal dressing. I opt for the best dress shirt and dress pant with a perfecting matching tie, fully polished shoes and hair maintained properly. I took the breakfast and rushed to the bus stop, my vehicle was not in working condition so I had to take the bus to my office.

Normally at 8:00 am sharp the bus arrives but today it was almost 8:15 am and there were no signs of bus yet, and this made me slightly tensed because I never wanted to be late on my very first day at job or office, because I was hoping to make a good first impression which would have been ruined if I would be late. I was still lost in my thinking that I was shocked by the huge horn of the bus, I immediately made my focus on the bus and soon I realized that the bus was being loaded with people and several were hanging from the door, this made me stunned as I have to miss this one. And I had to step back because I was unable to make up to the bus.

My First Day on the Job Essay
Suddenly a brand new car came in front of me, I waved my hand to it so that he might give me the lift, and I was supersized that he stopped. I rushed towards him and asked him that if he kindly drops me at my office, I mentioned the address; he smiled and opened the door. I had no other option either to wait another hour for the bus or to take the life, and wisely I took the life. All the way I kept thinking that why that man who was slightly middle aged smiled at me when I mentioned the address. In 15 minutes we were in front of the office, I opened the door and thanked him but saw that man also getting out of the car and locking it. I asked that if he is also employed in any nearby building and with a vast smile he mentioned that he is also the employee of this company in which I was being hired. As he was the general manager of that very department in which I was being employed.

That embarrassed me and I told him all the facts and he was just so calm and polite that he listened to my story and replied gently. “No problem son”. We both entered the office; I was very glad to have such a boss and at the same time the building, interior and infrastructure of the office was too good. This excitement and thrill made my first day at the office very much exciting and memorable.
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