Mother and Son Mini Pony Reunion

7 years ago

The heroes in this video are mother and son Malta and Winky, a 17 years old and an eight year old miniature ponies, who have been living apart for six years. Winky was surrendered to ROAR animal sanctuary in Australia when his owners were moving and that is when the ROAR team discovered the dire situation which his mother was in. The vowed to rescue her too.

When ROAR was able to locate Malta, they realized that her condition was far worse than what they have expected. She had rain scald on her skin, a very bad case of worms and she has not received any dental or hoof care for as long as she has been separated from her son. The pain she felt from over growth, hoof deformation and untreated laminitis was tremendous. Her teeth were also deformed and cutting into her tongue and she has two infected holes on the roof of her mouth.

The rescuers expected that she is in for a year of rehabilitation, but not before she could be reunited with her long lost baby. After Malta received the initial treatment and relief for her ailments, ROAR's next mission was to unite the two miniature ponies.

ROAR focuses on the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of animals with special needs who are often overlooked or even euthanized.

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