Harmony with God (circa 2016) | Ep. 111 soundbite 2 #shorts

1 year ago

"When we find ourselves, however, in tune with the Spirit of the living God, then we are walking in agreement with him. The works of the flesh, if we walk in those, create disharmony, create discord. That means we are not walking together in agreement with God because he is not in the works of the flesh. They are contrary to his ways, they are contrary to his Word and his Will. But when we find ourselves walking in the Spirit of the living God, we find ourselves walking in his Word, we find ourselves walking in his Will, because He is never in disagreement with his Word. He is never in disagreement with his Will. When we allow the Spirit of the Lord to lead us, we march to a different melody. We march to a different rhythm."

If you prefer, you can use the following direct link:
Harmony with God (circa 2016) | Ep. 111 - https://www.buzzsprout.com/1585741/13346463

#shorts #intune #walkinginagreement #walkinginthespirit #melody #rhythm

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