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Young Boy Schools His Teacher on A History Lesson

1 year ago

Steve discusses the recent problem with a Colorado school who did not want a student wearing the Gadsden flag.

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  • 0/2000
  • Idiot teacher should be fired and lose all benefits and never be allowed to teach again as she has shown me------she is a traitor!!!!! she has no idea about America!

    1 like
  • Way to go young man! 🗽 🇺🇲 💪 🙏

  • Tell the kid to wear the rainbow version of the flag and I bet they would accept it then.

  • These Leftist women are ignorant of history and believe revisionist history propaganda like Roots, 1619 project and more. Everyone should know that the Gadsden Flag's is a warning to Government Tyrants to not to mess with us aka the American Colonies. #DON'TTREADONME! The only flag has no place in school is that ugly rainbow flag. I am tired of liberal female school teachers and others defending that then real American symbols. ACLU should defend this kid then rainbow riders. The ACLU should be defending this kid and his lawsuit then protecting rainbow riders rights to groom kids. We know how unhinged these Leftists truly are, but Boomers and average normies have no clue about it or how crooked, biased and corrupt the media truly is. They might complain about the Government, but too many old timers like my old man will never admit that they were wrong and will fight back like the Founders did. The lockdowns did not convince of that. Still if civil rights groups like the ACLU was all what they say they are then they would protect a kid's right to have the Gadsden flag.