This Guy is a UnRealist "Landscape 17" A Contemporary Expressionist Oil Painting on canvas 8x10

1 year ago

Hello there friends. This painting was rather fun to do. I have been playing around with this idea of real but not real “unrealism” I like the idea of surrealism but this is not that in my opinion. You could call it expressionism but thats not really it either. I am going with UnRealism until someone gives me a better idea. I hope you enjoy today's video.

Thanks for watching. Have a wonderful day!

#OilPainting #fyp #AbstractUnRealism #ContemporaryArt #ArtGallery #ArtCollector #ArtExhibition #ArtWorld #abstractart #expressionism #landscapepainting #wetonwet #unrealist #unrealism #artgallery #artcollector #artforsale #paintingoftheday #artwork #artcommunity


Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

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