THIS is why you should wrap CLING WRAP around your Bananas 💥

2 years ago

Do your bananas always turn brown so quickly? - Here I show you how you can keep them fresh with cling film MUCH longer!

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Surely you know the problem, you buy bananas and already after a few days they are brown and you can throw them in the trash. But there is actually a little trick how you can keep bananas fresh much longer and it's really easier than you think! All you need is a piece of plastic wrap.

The ethylene gas is released at the top of the banana stalk. This ensures that the fruit ripens much faster. And with the help of cling film, we can contain this and ensure that it is not released in large quantities. To do this, take a piece of cling film and wrap it around the bananas and then around the stalk at the end. Either the whole thing holds by itself or you fix it with a piece of tape.

So you can now store the bananas as usual, but they will ripen much slower and you have so longer something from your bananas, without them directly brown!

Try this little trick but definitely once!

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✅ Washing Soda ➡️ *
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✅ Citric Acid ➡️ *
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