Egg + LEMON - How to grow lemon tree from seed - incredible trick 🍋💥

2 years ago

Did you know that you can propagate a lemon with a lemon and an egg? - SO you can grow a lemon tree yourself - instructions!

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Do you have an egg and a lemon at home? Then you can easily propagate lemons with it! In this video, I show you exactly what you need to do to end up growing a lemon tree yourself.

First you need to cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice. This is how you get the seeds of the lemon, which are also the seeds. From these you can now grow a lemon tree yourself. At the beginning you have to pat the seeds dry. Then you have to remove the shell of the seeds. Because the actual seeds are protected again. When you have all the seeds free, you can put the seeds on a piece of cloth and wet it once. Then fold the cloth and spray it again with water, so that it is really wet. Then put this piece of cloth in a jar, close the lid and put it in a dark place for 2-3 weeks.

When the 2-3 weeks are over, take the cloth out again. Now you should see the first roots on the seeds. If not, than put them again in the jar for another week. In the next step we open the egg above and remove the inner part. With a nail you make a small hole in the bottom of the egg. Now you should have an opening at the top and you can fill some soil into it. Make a small hollow in the middle with a nail and put one seed in each hollow. So that the root points downwards.

Now you have to put the whole thing in a sunny place or in a mini greenhouse. Keep it moist and wait again for 2-3 weeks. As soon as the lemon tree grows more and more, we have to repot them from the egg at some point. To do this, take a slightly larger pot, put soil in it again and make a small depression here as well. Now you crush the egg once carefully, put it into the hollow and put some more soil on top.

In the egg shell, the lemon tree will find enough nutrients to continue growing. You should now place it in a sunny spot and make sure it is always nice and moist. Then your lemon tree should grow more and more!

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