THEREFORE you should smear Vaseline BEFORE your Doors and Windows 💥

3 years ago

Have you ever smeared Vaseline in front of your doors and windows? - Here I show you why you should do this more often in the future!

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Vaseline has a whole lot of benefits. But did you know that petroleum jelly can also help you with ants? If you have ants in your house, you can easily get rid of them with Vaseline. To do this, however, you need to know exactly where the ants enter the house. Follow the ant trail and at some point you will find a small gap at a window or door where the ants can find their way into the house. And this is exactly the way you can block the ants with the help of Vaseline.

All you have to do is smear some Vaseline in front of the place where the ants enter the house. The ants will not go over the Vaseline. You have built a barrier that is insurmountable for the ants. Make sure that the ants do not enter the house at their usual place and you are rid of your ant problem without having done anything to the ants. They will look for a new place.

If you did not know this trick with Vaseline against ants, then try it out!

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✅ Washing Soda ➡️ *
✅ Baking Soda ➡️ *
✅ Citric Acid ➡️ *
✅ Vinegar ➡️ *
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