Bury an EGG in your Garden Soil and WATCH WHAT HAPPENS 💥

2 years ago

Have you ever buried an egg in soil? - Here I'll show you why you should do so in the future!

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Surely you have never buried an egg, right? Then you should do it in the future. And why exactly, I show you in this video. Because an egg is full of nutrients that are good for your plants. So you can fertilize your plants with an egg and it will get many important nutrients that it needs.

In the shell of the egg we find a lot of calcium and in the egg itself there is a lot of calcium. Both are nutrients that make for healthy plants and are also there so that the roots do not dry out. To use the whole thing you can simply bury the egg in your garden or plant pot. If you use a pot, make sure that you first fill it with 5 cm of soil and then put the egg in it. Then you put the egg in there and then the plant comes over the top. With time the egg will break open and the plant will benefit from the active ingredients of the egg for a long time.

By the way, you can also do this with an expired egg, which you don't want to eat anyway. And if you prefer to eat your egg before, you can also just take the shell of the egg and bury it. Make the shell a little small for this and distribute it with in your potting soil.

That way you could use it for your flowers instead of just throwing it away!

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