5,400 Emails Show Joe Biden Using Fake Names to Pass Information to Hunter Biden

10 months ago

The latest building block in the Republicans’ case to impeach Joe Biden just fell into their lap.

All hell is about to break loose in Congress.

And there is one hidden piece of evidence that will lead to Joe Biden’s destruction.

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee investigating Joe Biden on allegations of corruption already unearthed the fact that Joe Biden used fake names on emails when he served as Barack Obama’s vice president to pass government business about Ukraine to Hunter Biden.

But the extent to which Biden tried to conceal this fact took people’s breath away.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) reportedly has 5,400 emails sitting in their possession showing Joe Biden using aliases to funnel government information about Ukraine to Hunter Biden at a time when Hunter Biden sat on Burisma’s board of directors.

“The National Archives and Records Administration acknowledged possessing potentially up to 5,400 emails connected to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s pseudonym accounts that he used to forward government information and discuss business with his son, Hunter Biden, and others, and on Monday the Southeastern Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit to compel the agency to turn over the emails,” Just the News exclusively reported.

According to the Southeastern Legal Foundation, these emails show the depth of Joe Biden’s attempt to deceive the American people about his involvement with Hunter Biden.

“All too often, public officials abuse their power by using it for their personal or political benefit. When they do, many seek to hide it,” Southeastern Legal Foundation General Counsel Kimberly Hermann declared. “The only way to preserve governmental integrity is for NARA to release Biden’s nearly 5,400 emails to SLF and thus the public. The American public deserves to know what is in them.”

The House Oversight Committee and the Southeastern Legal Foundation are both pursuing these emails as part of an effort to hold Joe Biden accountable for any potential corrupt dealings.

NARA concealing Joe Biden’s emails also stands out as a librarian at NARA was the one who kicked off the criminal investigation into Donald Trump that led to the Mar-a-Lago raid last August.

Republicans believe the librarian was a highly partisan activist who referred Trump to the Biden Justice Department for no reason other than to try and get Trump.

Now when it comes to Joe Biden, watchdog groups and congressional Republicans are being forced to fight tooth and nail for access to records that could expose sprawling corruption by Joe Biden in how he exploited his position in government for the financial benefit of his family.

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