We Were Told That the EU, IMF and World Bank Wanted to Fire Shokin. Really?

9 months ago

One of our biggest pet peeves on this show is when totally made up stories become conventional wisdom, when fake facts become facts through sheer media repetition.

One of the most egregious examples of that is the claim that everyone wanted to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden’s corrupt energy firm Burisma.

Anyone who points out the incredibly convenient coincidence that former Vice President Joe Biden got the prosecutor fired immediately after Burisma told Hunter that he needed to be fired, is immediately met with the same excuse:

That excuse is that everyone wanted the prosecutor fired, the EU, the World Bank, the IMF, the EBRD, everyone. Joe Biden was just following the lead from all these esteemed institutions.

But is there any evidence for this? We take a deep dive to try and find evidence, any evidence, that these international institutions wanted to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor.

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