The Sinking City part 2: The investigation gets weird early, this entire region is a disaster...!

1 year ago

Welcome back to Oakmont, the sinking city! Hired by the wealthy Richard Throgmorton, Charles Reed begins his investigation into the intentions and whereabouts of the other members of the undersea expedition which seemingly got Throgmortons son killed. After some learning the lay of the imediate neighborhood (and the unpleasant, unnatural wildlife) we find our way into the building which the academic expedition used as its headquarters... but it's been ransacked! After using the peculiar gifts which Charles has gained, some discoveries are made, including that a group of Dagon-worshiping Innsmouthers broke in, stole the research and destroyed whatever they couldn't carry! Before Charles leaves to do some research on the expedition, one Innsmouther who stayed behind suddenly shows up and draws iron on him...! No doubt about it, we need to find Prof. Harriet Dough and any surviving researchers before its too late!
#thesinkingcity #suspense #investigation #cthulu #cultists #lovecraft #wreckage #city #port #privateinvestigator #gameplay #innsmouth #dialogue #commentary #brothers #humor
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