NZ Loyal Pop-Up Billboards. RISE UP early and let our working whanau know that NZL is HERE !!!

1 year ago

Successive governments over the last 30 years have sucked the New Zealand tax payer dry. This is not only an attack economically, but is also a direct hit on the emotional stability of the family unit, the integrity of one's health both physically and mentally, and denies us the possibility to give our children the experiences and extra-curricular activities that make them into whole and sound individuals. None of this needs to be the case.

NZ Loyal has crunched the numbers, and will roll out a 1% transaction tax when they are voted in at the next election in 7 weeks. This transaction tax will replace all other taxation that currently exists in NZ including Personal Tax, Company Tax, GST, and additional taxes such as petrol tax which is hidden and built into the purchase. ALL GONE !!

"How is this possible?" you might ask. Put it this way... Which collective entity transacts the most money in New Zealand every day? You've got it.... The banks. This is HUGE! For way too long, overseas banks have been royally ripping us off. It's now time to turn the tables.

We are here, ready and able to take our country back. Indeed! We are taking it all back.

Transcript of NZ Loyal's 1% Transaction Tax here on the Daily Telegraph NZ website -

Go to for much, much more. We ourselves are the answer we have been waiting for - Give your party vote to NZ Loyal in October. A vote for NZ Loyal is a great BIG, FAT, HUGE vote for YOURSELF and your family. Do it! Just do it! Then watch how your life so radically changes in 2024.
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