A Ghanaian woman, Aba Hagan has been arrested

1 year ago

According to the US police, this type of corporal punishment is painful and embarrassing and thus she has been charged on four counts facing judgement.

40-year-old Aba was arrested on Thursday after officers were dispatched to Rachel Road apartment at about 8 p.m. on a reported domestic dispute. Where they found a naked boy believed to be Aba’s son who said she inserted ginger into his anus.

Apparently, Ms Hagan denied doing anything but insisted, “he had messed up in school and she punished him,” conferring to reports.

Later she relented and confessed to having placed a piece of ginger into the boy’s anus.
Officer Daniel Roberts wrote, “I asked why she would do this and she stated this was a common punishment in her home country of Ghana, Africa.”

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