sudden collapse in athletes , top 2 warning sign

1 year ago

We are continuing our series in Cardiac Arrest.

Today we are looking at cardiac arrest in athletes and the young and we are looking into the top 2 warning signs ,fainting during exercise and family history of cardiac arrest (in a family member at age 50 or younger).These 2 symptoms can not be ignored.They need a full investigation.

Since 1918 the year of the Spanish flu, cardiac disease has been our number 1 killer. And more than 50 percent of cardiac deaths are sudden.
Although most sudden deaths occur in adults some do occur in people age 35 or younger including athletes.
Today we are asking 3 questions.
1- What is killing us?
2- What are the underlying causes of SCD in the young and athletes?
3–What are the risk factors for SCA in athletes?
The number 1 cause of SCD in athletes is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.It is a genetic dominant disease that affects the heart muscle leading to severe pump dysfunction and high risk of sudden cardiac arrest.
The second cause of SCD in the young is anomalies of the coronary arteries (the pipes that provide blood to the heart).
Other conditions include genetic abnormalities in the ion channels that affect myocytes (cardiac muscle cells) like long QT syndrome, Brugada Syndrome and others.
Cardiac arrest can also occur in normal hearts (commotio cordis) special children that are hit in the chest by a baseball a puck or other objects.
Here access to an AED is crucial and lifesaving.
If you want to avoid heart disease our number 1 killer, then this video is for you. DON'T SUGARCOAT IT. It will literally kill you!

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