Iceland is a land of seafood

1 year ago

Ronny Tong video: Iceland is a land of seafood, and today I tasted the scallops and sea urchins that I caught, and I felt even more delicious. The local people think that Japan's abandonment of the Chinese seafood market is a great opportunity for them. Of course, they are nature lovers, and they are also extremely indignant at Japan's self-interested pollution of the ocean and even the entire earth's ecology. 湯家驊: 冰島是海產之地,今天即席品嚐撈上來的帶子和海膽,更覺美味。當地人認為日本放棄中國海產市場對他們來說是一大契機。當然,他們是大自然愛好者,對日本只顧私利污染海洋以至整個地球生態也是極為憤慨。

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