SO easy to clean your dishwasher sieve 💥 (You HAVE to do it) 😱

2 years ago

Your dishwasher does not pump out properly? - In this video I show you how to change the strainer of your dishwasher!

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At the latest when your dishwasher no longer pumps out the water properly and the dishes remain dirty, you should clean your strainer at the dishwasher once. This is because the dishwasher has a filter built into the bottom that collects coarser debris so that it does not clog the pipes. How you can clean this sieve, I show you in this video!

For this you should have run the dishwasher in advance, have cleared out the dishes and then remove the lower basket. Because then everything is nice and clean and nothing is standing around in the way. To remove the filter, turn it counterclockwise and pull it upwards. Then you can see the full extent of the contamination!

Now go with the filter to your sink and start cleaning it. I like to use an old toothbrush for this, because with it we can go everywhere and remove the dirt that way. You can also still take off the bottom part of the filter to clean that completely as well. Again, I use the toothbrush for this. Then you can put everything back together.

Before you put it back in, check if there is still some dirt on the edge where the filter is installed. You can then wipe this off with a piece of kitchen roll. Then you can reinstall the strainer in the same way as you removed it.

And you have successfully cleaned the strainer of your dishwasher! Try to repeat this at least every three months!

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