Waco police body cam footage of officer shooting dog at homeless camp

1 year ago

Dog approaches at 3:10

It’s been a little more than a month since a dog named Bullet was shot by a Waco Police Officer working with Union Pacific police to clear a homeless camp near railroad tracks, and the dog is making remarkable progress thanks to the care and generosity of a local woman.

Bullet’s caregiver, Lorrie DiCorte, said the dog’s stiches were removed last week, and she is nearly 100 percent recovered.

Bullet truly takes to her name, showing nothing but strength. DiCorte said even though the dog suffered a traumatic experience, she’s still showing love.

“She is so sweet, she loves everybody. She meets them on her terms, but she has never been aggressive,” said DiCorte.

In July, Waco PD was at a homeless encampment near Franklin Avenue due to concerns of folks camping too close to the railroad tracks.

In recently released body camera footage, you can see Bullet walk up to the officer and growl. That’s when the officer shoots her twice.

“I will never understand why someone did what they did. There was no reason. A dog is always going to bark, everyone of my dogs is going to bark. That doesn’t mean they’re aggressive,” said DiCorte.

DiCorte immediately took Bullet in after her bullet wounds were treated.

She said Bullet suffered from serious infections but is doing much better.

“She did fabulous on recovery. She never tried to tear her stitches out, she let me do whatever I needed done to her,” said DiCorte.

Even though Bullet is left with a slight limp and some swelling, DiCorte said Bullet’s main concern is sharing her toys with DiCorte’s other dogs.

“She just goes up to them and runs with that toy, then comes and sits by me and love love love. And then is like, ‘Ok, I’m going to go share my toy again,’” said DiCorte.

DiCorte said it’s her duty to help all dogs, no matter what kind of situation they’re in.

“Dog spelled backwards is God. There’s no if ands or buts that animals are God’s creatures, all of them. I just feel as my place in this Earth is that I’m supposed to help them,” said DiCorte.

Waco PD says the officer will not face consequences and that the officer had a right to protect himself due to the dog being aggressive.

Bullet is taking it slow for now before she’s fully recovered.

Once she’s fully treated, DiCorte will help Bullet find her forever home.

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