PPW #504 - Mickey Sinn vs 'Badass' Branden Campbell 8-12-23

1 year ago

The opening match of the card was a first-ever Rookie Rumble. 16 trainees from the PPW Training Academy got their chances in an Over The Top Rope Battle Royal. The last two remaining would receive singles matches against our two Tag Team Champions, and referees for this match, “The Sons of Thunder”. A few familiar faces including Los Lobos 2 and Ian “Honky Lips” Anderson got in the ring, as did new never before seen talents, including the Flying Uvula! The final 3 came down to Zero Gold, Mickey Sinn and Chris Area. Mickey and Zero worked together to eliminate Area and earned their matches with the champs.

The first of those two matches took place between Zero Gold and “Heavy Metal” Jake Hazard. Zero brought Mickey out with him for support in his corner, prompting Hazard to bring “Badass” Branden Campbell to the ring with him to even the playing field. In a back and forth match, Zero rolled up Hazard and with some help from Mickey Sinn. Branden jumped in the ring to get revenge on Mickey, and had momentum early on. With the action outside of the ring taking the attention of the referee though, Mickey was able to get Campbell up for a Powerbomb and a win.

Hazard was so frustrated by their opponents antics that he got on the microphone and challenged the two to an impromptu Tag Team Title match right then and there. After a few close calls, Hazard caught Sinn running off the ropes, and tossed him in the air, straight into a spear by Campbell, and with a 3-count the “Sons of Thunder” had retained their Tag Team titles.

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