What Is Diabetes Type 2? How diabetes can be a major risk factor for stroke and heart attack?

9 months ago

Diabetes type 2 is a long-term condition that mostly affects adults and middle-aged people. Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1 diabetes. It is associated with insulin resistance resulting in hyperglycemia.
Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, and it signals the cells to take up the glucose from the blood. When you take a meal, the level of sugar and nutrients rises, during digestion, carbohydrates break into simpler sugar like glucose. Glucose is necessary for energy and to perform various functions of the body. But glucose should be absorbed from the
bloodstream into the cells for this. Insulin is the precursor of this step; it signals the cell that it’s time to take up glucose. But in type 2 diabetes, body cells get resistant to the effect of insulin known as insulin resistance. Once this condition develops, glucose starts to build up in the bloodstream resulting in elevated glucose levels. Due to high levels, the pancreas produces more insulin to balance the glucose level. Over time pancreas gets
exhausted and cannot keep the demand for insulin the body requires, ending in high glucose levels in the blood.
The main factor of diabetes 2 is genetics; it runs in families. Obesity also markedly increases the risks of diabetes 2. Cholesterol, high blood pressure, stress, and, more importantly, gestational diabetes (which occurs during pregnancy) can cause diabetes 2

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