Michael Fish's NBC26 Weather Forecast

7 years ago

We are going to have a pretty nice day on-tap for today. Winds will be lighter with some fair-weather clouds popping up as the day wears on. With these fair weather clouds, I can't rule out a stray sprinkle, but most of your day should be just fine. Highs will top out in the upper-70s. Most of tonight looks okay as well with clear to partly cloudy skies. Overnight lows will be in the mid-50s. A frontal boundary and low pressure system will be moving through on Wednesday. With this, we could see a dying complex of T'storms move through as the morning wears on. This and how much sunshine we see will be key as to how strong the storms could be that would redevelop going through the afternoon. Either way, any afternoon T'storm that does develop has the potential to bring some heavy rainfall again. Highs will top out in the mid-70s unless we see more sunshine.

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