…what are chakras?

1 year ago

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what are chakras
12.58 a soft coo
15.40 5g blue tooth and blue tooth
16.38 5g in china
20.13 5g weapons developed
21.08 6.66 ghz is what colour
23.59 fauchi replaced
24.35 fauci now says listen to this
30.33 WAR CRIME Executing Russian soldiers that try to surrender!
33.38 when your vaxxed friends start liking your conspiracy posts
33.45 symatics
34.28 what is to come
35.58 reset your vagus nerve
37.46 usa 2 dew sites
38.46 rockefeller
39.46 water beneth the desert
41.12 the sword of gujian
42.26 singer says it how it is
43.26 tomatoe and olive oil
47.12 nurse quits and blows whistle

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…what are chakras?

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