1 year ago

Join me, Archeia Rose as I share my light hearted conscious approach for attracting healthy, fun, inspiring, loving and healing connections into our spaces. These basic 5d principles can be applied to all our relationships - being romantic, friendships or family. Transforming how we firstly love and treat ourselves and then how we interact and welcome healthy, aligned higher conscious connections into our lives, which will help us grow, heal and evolve together. Open your heart and allow new experiences and the right people who are aligned to you to come into your space to bring in further oneness, love, connection and unity. Often we shut down new experiences and connections with people, because of the fear of being hurt, which happened in many of our past relationships, which were built maybe not from a fully loving space, we attracted what we needed - to help us find our way back to full truth and love. But what if you could have the tools to welcome in healthy, happy, fun connections to your path. You are healing and will attract a mirror for that, someone who is healing also. And all triggers are experiences which lead us back to love so embrace life! On our healing paths we often forget to have fun and laughter and enjoy the ride. We get bogged down with the seriousness of ascending, healing and 'doing spirituality right' but what about living, and loving, and BEING.

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