Booster Plays STRAY - Best Bits

1 year ago

in which we play cyberpunk kitty cat simulator Stray the whole way through, but just left in all the best bits.

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#Stray #BoosterKiwi #Gaming


[Music] got Good Vibes so far I like the rain it's nice I just I feel like this game's gonna be so emotional do you think like bad things gonna happen to the cat and you're gonna cry oh no there's more than one cat oh no they're gonna get cat Holocaust aren't they I haven't seen anything about this game except like oh you haven't no I I don't know a thing about should we have looked up whether or not cats die I don't know I probably should have Googled that first look at me oh wow did you do that oh yeah are you I have a cat meow button oh he's a friend okay

he doesn't mind he's not oh oh no he's gonna tell me to knock it off no he said no no no oh smooches oh that's ridiculous get that out of here they're all my friends I sure hope nothing bad happens to them Interactive scritches you scritch scratch the [ __ ] out of it yeah I knew there was going to be combat in this game here now you can mark your spot like in Balto I wish I could just piss on it instead but uh oh maybe you can that's why his bed had two boy cats in the house I tell you my old boy uh he uh he hated having another cat in the house he would piss everywhere was awful oh oh he was nasty he's lucky he's cute

a nope got a friend no oh you're gonna get lost oh no oh


oh no

whoa what where are we holy crap that's because it's poor baby

I have to find my friends hopefully Oh no you're living he's got a little limp see already this is too emotional I told you too much turned it off see I told oh no

oh he's having a hard time poor thing he's praying again he's all right no one panic is he purring I can just hear liar purring can you hear her praying oh no I can't hear him first she's ridiculous well I put a this cat pairing I know oh he was like rubbing on my mic I feel like we need a live cam a live kitty cam live kitty cam we play a kitty game with her Derpy face with her big Derpy fast that cat does have a Derpy fist

oh help help oh subtle okay wait what does it say between the letters can you see uh ploop

Chef Loop oh okay

I don't even want to know will it be a graphic scene of him just being shredded to boots I don't know if we're gonna see some graphic cat violence I'm gonna throw this game across the room

shut it out of here I said get this

oh my gosh cats are so destructive oh especially when you're pinning the physics of reality I don't know if I need to point this out but there's also radios in Alan Wake oh really yeah um there's radios in a lot of games but you know what yeah I'm sure I'm just comparing it to Alan Wake you know I think Ellen wake has Windows Floors doors um no no it doesn't you don't know you haven't played it oh [Laughter] okay that's cute did you overdo that as a kid you just like typed even though you had no idea how to use a typewriter no because I'm really good at typing and always have pain so I know you're good at typing typing I'm good at video games good at six

I wonder if I crush them no

he got out of the way oh he did Oh I thought you were like I thought you had a conscious for a second not me no that's gay I kind of can't figure out what to do right now but you know let's not focusing yeah no that's okay you're still pretty I'll uh I'll skip all the parts where I'm not doing anything and pretends I know what I'm doing that's the plan so you're just gonna skip all of it [ __ ] you why are we even recording this again

I just want to be a playful Kitty who has a little Jitters

oh no I'm phasing between realities that's what I think is happening right now because you're out of wake you're an idiot

not even funny you go to my channel little friend he's cute yes

oh no oh no oh he's dead [Music] I should be reading this out loud to people I've been trapped in the electronic Network for so long I know I worked for a scientist who lived here for now you can call me B12 that's what it says on my exterior dot dot dot okay that's what his what he would talk like it's dangerous in the yeah that's what he sounds like he sounds sexy sounds like me yeah it's dangerous in the dead City but you seem like you know how to handle yourself let's get out of there follow me yes that's not right you're gonna have to put this on there's a little number for you little dress oh

oh cozy oh my little friend's in there was he he doesn't like it no he doesn't like it he doesn't like worry this is stupid I always try to put like a little jacket or something on my cat so they just hated

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