Strong World En ergy Vlog

1 year ago

World Energy Vkig Title is from the date and the frequecy average The date being August 29, 2023 give us 44 thus #8 The Strength card which want us to be strong and brave adn counquer our inner best. The world card is from the frequecny at and aver of 7.68 hertz thus we have 21 the universe of world card giving us completion an someingthng ot found into.
The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure showed us two amplitudes the first was a amplitude power of 22 the Fool card which mae in at 7:00 AM UTC, thus we have the chariot swiftly bringing in the Fool. the next amplitude was a power of 16 the Tower card at 8:15 AM UTC, thus we have temperance look at the Towerfailng as a restoration of balance. The quality was at a power of 11.40 thus we have the Lover card seeking a harmonious relationship with our lover. The frequency average as we said is 7.68 hertz thus giving us the world card to find completion When we take them all in they say Srrong and brave is the Foop in his leap of faith for the lovers on the completion of their world tour.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
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