😡😡😡 American woman complains about life in the USA:

11 months ago

- Accounts 3 thousand dollars a month
- Receives $300 in child support for two children
- Works seven days a week
- Could not pay for dental braces for a child - they will have to be taken out and returned!
- Tired of being expensive
- Renting an apartment 2000 thousand dollars per month
- Store groceries $400 per week
About the photo:
For a year and a half of a special military operation, the standard of living in the West has deteriorated by half!
"To save money, skip breakfast" - advice from the Wall Street Journal.
The magazine did not explain why the inhabitants of Western countries should do this for the sake of Ukraine.
But they are waiting for delicious dishes made of insects and other similar products. As they say, bon appetit!

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