Daily Chess play - 1348 - Self-Checkmated myself in Game 2 however Opponent doesn't see it

10 months ago

0:00 Game 1:
Move 15, Opponent lets me take Knight first on c3 but doesn't take Bishop on b4. Next move, I take pawn on b2 which lets me attack both Rooks on a1 and e1 so he resigned.

3:10 Game 2:
Move 19, Opponent trades Rook for Knight on b5. Move 22, I trade Rook for Bishop on d6 as there was too much threat on King. By Move 29, I was 4 pawns ahead. Move 48, I self-checkmated myself but luckily Opponent doesn't see it so he timed out instead.

21:18 Game 3:
Move 15, I sacrifice Bishop for pawn on g3 and f3. Move 31, I force opponent to trade Queen for Knight on f2. I then start taking most of the pawns so he resigned.

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