Have You Been Witnessing To Future Saints?

9 months ago

1 Corinthians 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

Our job has never been to "win souls". A Christian's job is to 1. Plant seeds of truth and 2. Water seeds that were previously sown. It is up to God to save people, not us. There have been billions of people who have made professions of faith, prayed prayers, attended church buildings, and done many good deeds. Yet if God didn't save them, then they ended up in Hell.

In this video, I wanted to talk about the fact that it is our job to plant seeds and water seeds, and we might not see the fruit of our actions until AFTER the body of Christ leaves the earth, and the time of Jacob's trouble begins. We must not lose sight of the importance of doing God's work in the short time we have left before the events of Revelation get started.

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