Loren DeFalco on Seizures, CBD, & More - The Matt Balaker Podcast

1 year ago

Loren DeFalco cured himself of epileptic seizures through a regime of CBD and cannabinoids

Loren’s Story

In 2008, I had a massive seizure at the airport while waiting curbside for my ride home after a business trip. I woke up in an ambulance and had no idea where I was or where I had come from. It was quite scary. I went to a neurologist who ran tests on me. I was told that I had a “seizure disorder” and would need to take anti-seizure drugs or I would not be allowed to drive my car.

This was all very disturbing as I felt broken. The medication began to take its toll on me right away and the side effects were debilitating. The solution I was provided for the side effects of the medication was…MORE medication. I ended up taking five different prescription drugs that caused my body to break down even more to the point that I was no longer able to work.

I decided that it was time to take matters into my own hands and I started to research to find alternate ways of handling my new situation. This is when I came across the endocannabinoid system. My discovery was nothing short of revolutionary for my mind and body. I started to learn how diet and cannabinoids influenced disease in the body and completely changed my lifestyle. I started on a diet that was based on making sure I was balancing the omega 6 and omega 3 levels in my body as well as ingesting cannabinoids through hemp plant seeds and other sources.

Six months after I started my new lifestyle, focusing on the endocannabinoid system, I was cleared by my neurologist after my EEG showed no more seizure activity in my brain. Finally, I was able to shed all of my prescription drugs. Not only did my seizures stop, but I started to experience relief from other physical issues that I had been dealing with, such as sleeping issues and arthritic knee pain. This was amazing to me and I strived to learn more about this system that I had never heard of before and that had only been recently discovered.

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