Australasian Soccer Academy webinar segment discussing the (IZOF) Model

1 year ago

Australasian Soccer Academy webinar segment discussing the (IZOF) Model
Australasian Soccer Academy webinar segment with Jimmy Petruzzi discussing the (IZOF) Model
(Hanin, 1997, 2000). We are going to exam the model in the context of understanding
Our Zone of Optimal Functioning in football matches and how we can better access our Zone of Optimal Functioning during football by reflecting on matches.
With the aim of assisting us
To become more consistent in football matches under pressure
recognize behavioural patterns during football matches
Develop pre-match routine for football matches
The outcome is to access optimal mental, physical, and emotional states for football when necessary

Hanin, Y. L. (2000). Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) Model: Emotion-performance relationship in sport. In Y. L. Hanin (Ed.), Emotions in sport (pp. 65–89). Human Kinetics.

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