Trump: "The key was always going to be the vaccines"

1 year ago

This is a portion of a video I shared months ago, but every bit of it is still relevant. Many like to claim that the COVID vaccines preceded the plandemic. What people fail to realize, though, is that having a vaccine means nothing if there is no funding to ensure the production and distribution of it.

The short clip at the end is from the movie "Elf.," referencing a situation in which there was a printing error that got pushed through in order to avoid the cost (and blame) that would result from acknowledging the error. Ship 'em anyway. It's what I was reminded of when I first saw Fauci (and his shit-eating grin over what he was getting away with) in this interview.

Granted, the start-up money for the mass production of the COVID vaccines came from US--from our government funding (and on Trump's watch), but do you think that there was ever any chance that anyone involved in this was going to ever put the brakes on any of it if safety concerns arose?

Having known people who held patents which were never funded to fruition, I already knew that money was what made the difference in something getting manufactured and distributed--or not. I was surprised to have recently stumbled across an old episode of the television show "Medium" that not only demonstrates the importance of what Fauci refers to as the "necessary investment," but which also does a fair amount of frightful foreshadowing of what people are willing to go to in order to get that "necessary investment." This episode of "Medium" can be viewed on Amazon Prime or by purchase through YouTube. I will link to the episode below, but for those who don't have Amazon Prime or who don't wish to buy the episode from YouTube, I have summarized it below. The episode aired in 2009.

Allison: Boy, there’s a lot of strangers around here today. What’s going on?

Detective Scanlon: Oh, it’s a hush-hush briefing with some guy from FEMA.

Conversation taking place in the briefing room:

Man from FEMA giving presentation: This picture was taken in 1996. The subject lived in a small village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He succumbed to a disease called viral hemorrhagic fever. It’s very rare. The strain responsible for this man’s death is called FV-39. Ladies and gentlemen, FV-39 is of particular concern to us because the virus holds up well in transport and weaponization. In fact, there are a few of us who believe that it would be an ideal agent for a bioterrorist attack against the United States. FEMA has been trying to create an antiserum, a cure that can be deployed in the event of just such a bioterrorist attack. In fact, we’ve been working very closely with a company right here in Phoenix that is at the forefront of that effort. Dr. Erik Westphal heads up the biopathology division of United Southfield. I’ll let him take it from here.

Dr. Westphal: Our lab is a Bio-Safety Level 4 lab. That means we are handling some of the deadliest microbes on the planet. Naturally, both our company and the federal government spend extraordinary amounts of time and money monitoring our inventory. When the government inspectors gathered their data and filed their latest reports, there appeared to be trace amounts of FV-39 culture missing from some of our samples. This isn’t the kind of thing that you would notice on a day-to-day basis, but over time there is a measurable amount of this bug that we simply can’t account for.

Man from FEMA: Worst case scenario, ladies and gentlemen, is that someone either sold or gave these cultures to someone who intends to use them as a weapon of mass destruction. We at FEMA need to move forward as if that were the case.
...There will be no alert. There will be no notification. There will be no public announcement of any kind. As a matter of fact, the only people who know anything about this are sitting in this room right now. And that is the way it’s got to stay. Dr. Westphal doesn’t agree with that decision, but the fact is, at this moment, ladies and gentlemen, we do not have an effective antiserum in sufficient quantities to deal with this. As a result, the preventive measures that we can take are limited.

District Attorney: Dr. Westphal, if this FV-39 virus is out there—how bad could it get? How many people could be affected?

Dr. Westphal: It’s hard to say. It’s not an airborne virus. It’s spread by people, to people, and it carries a mortality rate of about 85%, which makes it such an effective threat. Again, depending on how long it was out there and how soon we were able to contain it, hundreds of dead...thousands, maybe. It’s just too hard to say for sure.

Later on in the show, we learn that a man who was an employee at the biolab learned he was infected with the virus and loads up the back of his car with gasoline in order to deliberately crash to his death to avoid spreading the virus to others. Everyone who showed up at the scene of the accident had to be isolated and tested to ensure that the virus had not spread. (It didn’t).

Dr. Westphal: This virus, there are organizations, movements, that would pay a fortune for even a minute amount of it. You infect one person and then expose him to as many people as possible before he succumbs, and you could decimate a small city. Now, at our lab, we were working on this virus—working on a cure. How Mitch became infected, we still don’t know, but I can’t believe that it was an accident. There are just too many safeguards, too many checks and balances. The fear is that he was attempting to steal some and sell it.

...It’s not that we don’t have an antivirus, by the way. It’s just that we don’t have enough funding to produce it in meaningful quantities. It’s about two cents a person, actually. I mean, if every U.S. citizen paid two cents, we’d have enough to inoculate the entire city of Phoenix. Or Philadelphia. Or San Antonio. Just astounding, right?

So once the news of the virus gets leaked out, fear ensues. People start wearing masks and calling into work because they are scared. The main character, Allison, is offered a mask and declines. (Says she is holding out for the full body suit worn by the people who showed up at her house to ensure that she hadn’t contracted the virus.)

The story unfolds to reveal that FEMA investigators believed the man who was infected accidentally infected himself when he was trying to sell the virus. They were able to determine that the sale never took place. We later find out that the man WAS trying to make a sale of the virus on behalf of Dr. Westphal who had targeted Mitch to do his dirty work for him. The truth of what happened is that Mitch couldn’t make the deal (he presumed the buyers feared he was from the government), so Dr. Westphal engaged in contact with Mitch (a kiss) and infected him. Westphal then, in front of Mitch, consumed what he said was the last of the antiserum.

Westphal: It’s not happening, is it?

Mitch: I’m sorry. They don’t buy it. They all think that it’s a setup. That maybe I’m working for the government.
Westphal: So it’s not happening.

Mitch: Maybe you picked the wrong guy. I think, deep down, I don’t want to be the one who sells the virus to some nuts. Gets a lot of innocent people hurt. I mean...I’d do it if I had to.

Westphal: You think you don’t have to? You see Congress approving production of our antiserum? Neither do I. You know why? Because they can’t see microbes. They can see planes flying into buildings. They can see suicide bombers. But they can’t see microbes.

So that is what led to Mitch deliberately crashing his car full of gasoline to incinerate himself and the virus. FEMA announces that all is clear and that the threat has passed.

FEMA guy: And just when you think that there is nothing good that can come from something potentially so frightening, the folks on Capitol Hill woke up this morning and heard about the panic that was slowly spreading throughout the Southwest, and I’ve been told that an appropriation is in the works to allocate sixty million dollars to the production of FV-39 antiserum.

Dr. Westphal happily applauds that announcement:

Westphal: We have antiserum to manufacture. We are finally getting to do the work that we were meant to do. Feels good. So, um, what can I do for you?

Allison: Well, you can admit that you murdered your friend, Dr. Lomis (Mitch), and that this entire panic about FV-39 virus is contrived.

What we later find out is that Westphal has been hospitalized for the flu. The doctor at the hospital assures him that he has nothing to worry about—that many had been hospitalized recently with the flu and all of them pulled through just fine. Enter the ghost of Mitch Lomis at the bedside of Westphal.

Mitch: He doesn’t know that you had an allergic reaction to that antiserum. Sure, it cured the disease—kept you from dying of viral hemorrhagic fever, but we always knew a tiny part of the populace would react badly to it. Which is why, when you felt that first itch at the back of your throat, must have been a surprise, huh? You didn’t wait. You gave yourself a massive dose of steroids to halt the reaction. Because you knew better. You were one step ahead as always. But you never counted on the flu. And now, with your immune system completely compromised by those steroids, your body has no way to fight it off. You might as well have FV-39 or the black plague, for all the immune response you can muster.

Dr. Westphal dies.

The episode referenced above can be viewed at the YouTube link below

and on Amazon Prime Video Season 6, Episode 10 "You Give Me Fever."

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