Stanford prison experiment, 9/23 first day of autumn, the fiery furnace, biblical truths

9 months ago

Dr. Philip Zimbardo ran the Stanford prison experiment from August 14-21, 1971. He found that people in the position of authority blindly follow orders, no matter how heinous the orders were.
And the daily prophecies from heaven, on YouTube, I see your name, Maria was told that in the autumn of this year, a major US city would be the victim of a terror attack unless enough people prayed. I believe this to be authentic. I have no knowledge, but the belief that , what Maria said was true. She was also told it can be negated if enough people pray.
Father Hubert, Schiffer, and seven other priests were praying, 600 yards from Ground Zero when the atomic bomb detonated in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. They all survived and died decades later of old age. A testament to the power of prayer because they were all praying When the bomb went off.
A terror attack that destroys the city for a good portion of the city cannot happen Unless there’s some cooperation from the inside. People who cooperate on the inside one died, and we say they were just following orders. We’ve obviously learned nothing from the Stanford experiments. Just following orders means you’re complicit with the orders and part of the orders, and is guilty of the orders as anyone else. And if it Hass to do with mass murder, it’s probably eternal guilt and hell. Don’t be a sucker, don’t follow illegal orders, and think you’ll get away with it. Adam and eve doesn’t and you won’t either.

We are created in the image and likeness of God our Father in Heaven. We are mind, spirit, and body. We must take care of our mind by making sure we don’t pollute ourselves with politically correct jargon. We must take good care of our souls with a good prayer life. If we’re going to church, it encourages us the sin or only cares about money. We must leave the church and find a holier place to worship, or worship at home by reading the good book. We must take good care of our bodies because they are a gift from God. We should stay away from the poisons they put in our foods and in our drink. I use Root Brands products to help me regain my strength and good function in my body.
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To help the victims of Maui stay away from the Red Cross as COL Chuck Sellers tells us and go to to get money to the victims and not the deep state.

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