Trump raises record amount, Anheuser Busch water tweet fails | Ep. 143 Summary

1 year ago

Today on The Topping Show Trump Mug shot creates record fundraising amounts, Bud Light NFL Sunday Ticket tweet fails, Nordstrom Closes San Francisco Store after 35 years, Anheuser-Busch donating water tweet mostly evaporates, Amazon Prime and Netflix choose not to host Sound Of Freedom, State of Cali sue in attempt to block parents from being told of child’s transitions, Texas passes special registration for Electric vehicles, DOJ suing Elon for not breaking the law by hiring refugees, Mitsubishi has truck with 3 pedal but not for the us, Rolex to buy Bucherer and enter retail for first time, Thermonimx moving to Texas, HP printer lawsuit moves forward, and 3m on track to payout 5.5 billion in tort suit, all that and much more on the Topping Show. #politics #business #culture #businessnews #budlight #budweiser #trump

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