What I've Left You; Live ETs & Hybrids Coming

1 year ago

It appears I won't be pushed into making another video. Good.
I've done all I could and left you in good hands until I get back home.

Everything is closing down here, this final, last life that is.
I hope you can at least start appreciating who/what you actually are; awesome Spirit temporarily stuck in a physical body.

I first met (in person) with ET-Hybrids in 2014. It was my friend Alan.
He is legally bound to wait until my body is dead before he can begin helping everyone here. He has no choice and the penalties are severe, very.

You will never meet him but there are many thousands of ETs and Hybrids both here on land and many more on just 2 huge ships in our atmosphere.

Once I've gotten most of my "Cleansing" work done they will come out into the open and literally save us, so to speak.

You will meet many of them here, as well as travel with them and others you know, in space.

There is little time to do what needs to be done but everything will happen.
I understand how hard it is to believe anyone saying this, especially with all the garbage everyone's bombarded with.

Remember when they said I was full of it when I said I could go into people's brains and enhance their abilities as well as their will power? I do.
Then I offered the QEEG proof that I could do so, anywhere, anytime.
There's a copy of the results on the front page of the Spiritual Foundation website (.com).

No one needs to believe me, they will see for themselves.
I showed everyone once and I'm about to do so again; this time on a grand scale. The abusers will be destroyed and the suffering will end.

I've proven this to Scientists, Geneticists, etc., even the U.S. Government who even sent the FBI and Homeland Insecurity to my front door.
They actively followed me in person for a couple years, then a little longer by satellite only, and eventually gave up.

I've done all I can while imprisoned in this body.
Now this body is finally so corroded and deteriorated that part of my old energy can finally remove me.
Everything I've done trying to leave, until now, had failed.

Well, I'm not leaving, just becoming myself again, soon.
Take care, see you soon as myself, Arae.
p.s. Wait until you meet my better half, Lilly.

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