Two thirds of Britons support legalising assisted dying, poll shows

9 months ago

More people believe it is acceptable to break the law to help a friend or loved who wants to die than believe it is wrong, a snapshot of UK public opinion on assisted dying has revealed. The finding comes as MPs weigh possible changes to laws governing end-of-life decisions and as a terminally ill Lancashire woman who is preparing to travel to Switzerland to end her life has described the UK law against assisted dying as “cruel and anachronistic”. Rosemary Walker, who has incurable blood cancer, spoke out asresearch carried out by Ipsos UK showed that 38% thought it was acceptable to break the law versus 29% who did not. MPs are preparing to recommend how ministers should respond to calls for the UK government to follow Australia, New Zealand and 10 US states in allowing terminally ill, mentally competent adults to end their own lives. Two-thirds of the public also supported legalising assisted dying, the research showed. Walker said: “The current law is forcing me to choose a death I don’t want – hundreds of miles from home with strangers and none of us wants that.”

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