Ella LeBain. Who's Who in the Cosmic Zoo. The Return, and End Times. Cosmic Battle and Disclosure

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ET Experiencer, UFO Researcher, Ella LeBain is the author of a five-book series, “Who’s Who In The Cosmic Zoo? A Guide to ETs, Aliens, Gods, Angels & Exoplanets” A Book Series that discusses Discerning Disclosure of Alien life and its effects on our Culture and Religions. www.whoswhointhecosmiczoo.com

Ella LeBain is originally from New York City and was educated in Israel. She received a Social Sciences Degree from the Biological Research Center of the Negev in 1979 where she was schooled in Biblical Hebrew, and then went on to receive an Astronomy Degree from the Hayden Planetarium in New York City in 1982 where she began her serious study of Cosmology. She spent two years working as a counselor and missionary in apartheid South Africa during the early 1980s. Her close encounters caused her to dig deeper into what has become a 39-year journey to get to the truth about UFOs, Aliens, ETs, gods and angels and how they all fit into the endgame of our End Times scenario.


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