Hermoso kiss sparks sexism debate beyond football Published 4 hours ago

9 months ago

Ms Bates says other women will look at what happened and ask "what possible chance do I have of being believed?".

A BBC survey in 2017 found half of British women have been sexually harassed at work or a place of study. More than 60% of those said they did not report it.

"What we're seeing happening to Hermoso here on the world stage is so devastatingly familiar for millions of women," says Ms Bates.

"The man who takes advantage of a work event, a Christmas party, a handshake, a photo, to lean in too close, put their hand lower than they should.

"And then the self-doubt about whether you're over-reacting, or misinterpreting it, and the pain of other people telling you you're making something out of nothing."

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Many in Spain are standing by Hermoso, releasing statements, resigning and refusing to play. Regional leaders within the Spanish football federation have called on Rubiales to resign.

Others continue to defend Rubiales. His mother has gone on hunger strike.

Ms Bates says the more people who "stand united in support... the greater chance we have of creating a world where this behaviour is not tolerated".

Speaking on BBC Radio 5 Live, football presenter and journalist Semra Hunter says she has never seen Spanish society "come together so unanimously... and agree this was completely inappropriate behaviour".

"It's not just about a kiss, it's about so much more," she says. "This is a reflection, as well, of wider society and how sexual abuse and sexual violence and misogyny and machismo has been normalised for far too long."

She says women had never felt safe enough to speak openly "because normally they would be shamed or humiliated or wouldn't be believed".

Rubiales faces a possible legal inquiry as well as an internal investigation. The repercussions on his career are yet to be decided.

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