JFK - Rulers of the Realm thesis part 2 Dec 5 2013

1 year ago

Including this lecture, which is the final (#20) in Sheehan's JFK Assassination series, which has his thesis on the "who" was behind the JFK Murder.

There are several gaps in his thesis which I want to point out.

First of all, the Progressive movement goes back much further into history (the Revolutions of 1848) and Sheehan also fails to mention the Socialist and Anarchist movements which were key to the Russian Revolution. In particular, the Bolsheviks betrayed the Anarchists who had helped them to prevail.

More on 1848 here: https://franciscogilwhite.substack.com/p/the-year-1848-was-bigger-than-1968

A good primer on the topic of Anarchists in the Russian Revolution and the true nature of the Bolsheviks is here: The Struggle Against Fascism Begins with the Struggle Against Bolshevism by Otto Ruehle https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/otto-ruhle-the-struggle-against-fascism-begins-with-the-struggle-against-bolshevism

The next major gap is that there is no mention whatsoever about Martin Bormann, the Bormann Organization, nor the enormous amount of Nazi Flight Capital. In addition, Sheehan seems unaware of the Cartel systems set up in Germany, which are the primary and prevailing structure used by the extant Bormann Organization today. Vanguard, BlackRock, etc., are examples of these interlocking organizations.

Finally, Sheehan seems unaware of the many issues of the Zapruder film, the fact that many witnesses that saw Kennedy hit in the head near simultaneously by two shots (from behind and front), and also seems unaware of the gunpowder residue tests which proved that Oswald never fired a shot that day-at anyone.

So, I applaud Sheehan, his work, and many of the things he reveals in his series, but I do think his thesis falls very short. It also seems dangerously close to providing cover to some elements of the government (the CIA for example).

The presence of Nazis with a Swastika Flag who are *clearly* dictating personnel decisions to the CIA, should have clued him in. Hopefully he will put all of the pieces together.

Link to Sheehan's unlisted video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jhXX5yisd0

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