Edited Part 2 Patriots are Men Competing Against Women Become Morally Superior

1 year ago

War News Series The Strongest and The Weakest
Wars News Series Part 1 The Right Voices Are Going To Get Louder

Part 2 Patriots are Men Competing Against Women Become Morally Superior, Stronger

You Will Break Records!

Read Along: https://isaiah58ministries.blogspot.com/2023/08/no-that-would-be-counterfeiting.html

No! That would be counterfeiting stealing. I am not a thief!

PG here, Whether it is the UN, FEMA, NWO, Babylonians, WEF, US Gov, FBI, CIA, or Big Pharma the problem is the lack of a high standard of morality within the people and society. A lack of the power of God which is the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Truth, love, and power that cleanses men's minds. The same Holy, pure sinless spirit heals the mortal soul and that heals the physical body. No leader but Jesus Christ. He has destroyed Satan's power and given his children power over all the power of the enemy. We are more than Conquerors! Only gold and Silver coins are money. According to James 5 stop counterfeiting money. Confess this crime of stealing. God will forgive and heal everyone, bring justice, and stop corruption. Counterfeited money will come to justice! It is lying, and deceiving, looting, slavery, raping, pillaging. The ultimate corruption.

00:00-16:28 Intro short synopsis of Part 1 and Part 2, Part 1 Foundation

16:28-38:22 Dr. Lee Merrit Blood Lines Corrupt Court System, Reese Report, They are Not the Problem but symptoms that tell us there is a problem.

38:22-48:49 Obfuscation, confusion. The Root of the Problem is changing Monetary Systems, for the slavery of the Masses. Perversion of everything. The Laws of God written in us when we are born are the power of God and the Constitution, true laws! Then the people of God with Faith in God's power to save, deliver, and heal, start to heal. Fix the Root of the problem then the symptoms go away. All Inventions with Fiat are an act of War.

38:22-1:10:40 Scott Kesterson, Mike Adams Brighteon Broadcasting News, Decentralization. The Gospel is preached around the World, The results are healing the nations, Farming, and Independence. People building their own governments and communities, County by County. Crypto kills the new starting communities because it is based on fraud and deceit. Digital Currency is equal to Federal Reserve Money, made out of thin air.

1:10:40-1:12:19 Progressism is Tyranny instituted by The Devil, Slavery. Christianity is Life, Liberty, Freedom, and Strong Morals. It is Jesus Christ's Kingdom on Earth. Men live by the laws of God that people around the world are born with.

1:12:19-1:18:40 Alex Jones partners with Maggots on the earth to weaken dehumanize and demoralize the Patriots. Sexualization of America by our enemies, child molesters. Seems to try to start a civil War. Satan can not cast out Satan. Only the most highly morally mentally well-adjusted men, good men can overcome evil. Fighting for the good of their Families. Men with God protecting women and children keeping their minds clean by the Holy Spirit.

1:18:40- End Pete Santilli and Kevin D. Freeman talk about the root of All the Problems which is counterfeiting money. Solutions to heal. Crypto and digital currencies are Trojan horses.

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