Calling people into right relationship, with the right fear of the Lord.

8 months ago

Purify and cleanse your hearts! A Word from August 13. The Word breaks in with:

Romey, I have commissioned you to stand up in your anointing:
Call people into obedience.
Call people into service.
Call people into worship.
Call people into prayer.
Call them into being a people after My heart.

Explain to them their adulteries and idolatries have removed them from My heart and away from My purposes. They must come back and purify themselves, cleanse their hearts, and repent of allowing mixture.

I am a jealous God.

I want purity in My Church. No more games. Put away the pretending. I want truth and purity in My House.

My people have not carried the burden of this nation. They have not sought Me in prayer for this nation. They looked away.

My people sought their own comfort. I wanted to be their comfort, but they sought their own in their entertainment that distracted them and dulled their spiritual senses.

They sought comforting words from their friends who validated wrong thinking and opinions contrary to My Word.

They compromised and downplayed My Word to allow for the convenience of their own lifestyle choices.

They gave their time to the world and its pitiful distractions and called it “Rest.”

They gave their bellies to food but would not feast on My Word.

My revelation is precious, but they treated it as something to be merchandised.

They slept when they should have been praying.

My people made for themselves their own prescriptions and treatments for their spiritual maladies and patted themselves on their backs as they celebrated their own wisdom.

They seek My Fire and My Presence but push off any right fear of Me. They lost the fear of Me as they made Self their god, as they put Self and its wants and desires at the center, Self has become all-consuming. But I wanted them to be consumed with Me.

PURIFY yourselves!!
Wash Your dirty clothes.
And return to My heart.
Return to the place close to Me.
I want My Church, My Way.
Put away the games and self-excuses and come to Me so that I can heal your wound.
Then you will again find rest and peace in Me.
Put away the Self-satisfaction.
Learn to be satisfied ONLY in ME.
So that I will be your God and you will be My people.

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