Paper Clip chain 2

1 year ago

Single rump ring is soldered, pickled, rinsed. Add a new jump ring to two single soldered jump rings. Pickle and rinse. Sets of three soldered jump rings are stretched out one link at a time.

2 things WILL happen…

1. The weak link breaks at the solder joint if it is weak or the solder did not flow properly. You must add more solder to the jumpring before proceding. Pickle, rinse, try again with another solder ball.

(Ideal event)
2. The link stretches to the extension of the pliers until stopping. This is the best case scenario. If you have completed this step, your link is soldered properly and will survive a lifetime of being worn. Proced to the next link.

⚠️ Wear cautiously around the toddlers that might grab the chain like a meme exchange.

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