10 months ago


Date: 2023-08-27
Group: Ray Kirk’s Friends
Location: Menifee
Title: Confidence - Msgr. Ray Kirk’s 90th Birthday

Welcome / Prayer
Scripture Readings
Who Do They Say I Am…

Openning -
Talking Frog
There has been some controversy as to when Ray was born, but I can tell you for certain that it was sometime after Jesus‘s sermon on the mount I don’t know how many days after weeks, but it was after definitely after the sermon on the mount
Carbon dating
Slice him open and count the rings
Father Dan leave behinds
Tribute to Ray’s father, telling another priest who is fat, it must be difficult, asking for money for the starving children of Africa, when you look like you just ate one of them
Raquet ball. Homilies
When he lost his sight, we continue our playing. The only time might be the most money tripped over the dog.
Ray once said to me that as a priest, you want to make sure you die, while you are still saying to a Paris that will ensure a good attendance at your funeral.

Body - Elements of Our Relationship

Judas at Mass
Santa at Mass
Fr. Nicholas Dempsey. Pastor Emeritus. / Fr Michael A. Cunnane
Youngstown diocese
Judas at mass Santa Claus at mass
Biblical portrayals, play pastors society. Filming of Saint Paul.
My mother’s death, my father’s death, my divorce
My daughters first mass my daughters baptism
Do people believe in communion, or the universe gem anymore?
My consideration of the priesthood
Is group and teaching confirmation

My Mother’s Death
My Divorce
My Father’s Death
My Heart attack, Strokes and Accidents

Men are from Mars women are from Venus

Confidence - Ray’s gift to me
You have given me the greatest gift, other than life itself that one can give it to another ever giving me confidence and confidence to move forward, to follow my own path
Who Do They Say That I Am

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