Officer Caught Red-Handed: What Was He Really Doing?

1 year ago

Hey everyone, welcome back to the channel! Today, we've got a bit of an eyebrow-raiser for you. On August 27, 2023, Officer Shadrack King was spotted parked in a fire lane with red and blue lights flashing. Now, you'd think there's an emergency, right? Nope! A FOIA request showed zero calls at the time, leaving us scratching our heads on why he was there. This isn't just a parking violation; it's a matter of public trust. I'll be filing an official complaint with the Orange City Police Department, so stay tuned for updates. Let's hold 'em accountable, folks!

#FirstAmendmentAudit #Accountability #OrangeCityPD #FOIARequest #OfficerShadrickKing

Catch you in the next video!

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