Common Beginner Photography MISTAKES and How To Fix | Felipe Hueb Photography

9 months ago

Hello everyone! Today, we're addressing common mistakes beginners make in photography. Avoid these, and you're already a step ahead."

Mistake 1: Misunderstanding the Histogram

What it is: A graph representing light distribution in your photo.

Left: Shadows and dark areas.

Right: Highlights and bright areas.

Center: Mid-tones.

Why it’s a mistake: Relying solely on your camera's LCD can deceive you into thinking a shot is well-exposed.

Fix: Aim for a balanced histogram. Avoid extreme spikes; they mean parts of your photo are too bright or too dark.

Mistake 2: Poor Composition and Framing

The oversight: Letting unnecessary or distracting elements remain in the frame.

Example: A random chair that takes focus away from your subject.

The solution:

Reposition: Move unnecessary items out of your shot or change your angle to exclude them.

Shift your perspective: Even a slight move can make a big difference. Always aim for a clear, distraction-free frame.

Mistake 3: Ignoring the Power of Tripods

The misconception: Thinking tripods are only for pros or specific shots.

Why it’s an issue:

Hand shake: Even slight movements can cause blurry images.

Limited creativity: Without a tripod, long exposure shots (like star trails or smooth water) are nearly impossible.

Fix: Invest in a decent tripod and learn to use it. It'll open up a world of shooting possibilities and improve image clarity.

Mistake 4: Overconfidence in Settings

The oversight: Not double-checking your camera settings.

Example: Shooting in jpeg when RAW would've been ideal.

The solution:

Routine checks: Before shooting, always verify settings like ISO, shutter speed, and format.

Knowledge: Understand the implications of different settings, so you’re making informed choices, not just sticking to defaults.


"Remember, everyone makes mistakes, but recognizing and learning from them will accelerate your growth in photography."

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Sign-off: "Until next time, keep learning and shooting. Happy photographing!



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