FDA EUA Spree will result in more Hospital Killings

1 year ago

Aug 28, 2023
Source: www.rumble.com/v3creo8-fda-eua-spree-will-result-in-more-hospital-killings.html

The FDA is on an approval spree using the Emergency Use Authorization policy to get dangerous, untested monoclonal antibodies on the market. The Monoclonal Antibodies are the next wave of human poisoning coming to a hospital near you and these dangerous, untested, high side effect materials will be added to the CDC death protocol currently in play in U.S. hospitals. And DHS along with HHS carved out a legal pathway to do it – they can and are authorizing untested covid treatments with very little safety and NO efficacy trials. The FDA, the pharmaceutical industry and the DOD are all one entity with a common mission: to continue the greatest financial heist in American history and to transfer of U.S. monies into the DOD and pharma. The endgame is wealth, power and depopulation.

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