Lovable Dog Gives Endless Hugs To His Best Friend

7 years ago

We take pride in our dogs, we love them and we think of them as our children. We love to spend time with them, hold them close and rely on them for a lot of reasons. hold them close, and rely on them for any number of reasons. The reason that we call dogs “man's best friend” is really simple. It's because they allow us to be their best friends. They dedicate their whole lives for us and to give us unconditional love and support.

This video will show you just how pure and amazing is the love form a dog! This dog is not afraid to show his owner just how much he loves him and how much he wants to give him hugs and kisses! Just take a look at this amazing video of a dog hugging his owner and be amazed of just how amazing creatures are dogs!

Info from Licensor: "While visiting my husband's parents on Father's Day, we decided to take an afternoon cruise of Pawtuckaway Lake on the family pontoon boat. Jackson has happily been riding along with us since he was a puppy and loves to feel the cool breeze in the summer-time. At one point during the ride, he decided to jump up to sit next to my husband.

He kept putting his chin on my husband's shoulder, looking for a hug and enjoying the wind in his hair. I had been taking pictures as he did this, but when he really got comfortable and started dozing off, I thought I should take a video to really capture how sweet this moment actually was and it wasn't just a quick moment either. He was hugging his dad for a good few minutes before this was even taken. Jackson is basically the sweetest dog ever, and he loves being with his people, wherever that may be!" This video was recorded on June 18, 2017, in Pawtuckaway Lake in Nottingham, New Hampshire, USA.

Puppies have turned out to be loyal, kind, understanding, and have an amazing spirit. They can welcome us cheerfully after what may have been the most worst bad day of our lives, and improve us feel with a sway of the tail and a playful smile or in this video endless hugs!

The reason why dogs are called man's best friend is that they are with us in good and bad. They will be our by side even when we are sick, sad and lonely. They even love us when we are rude or grumpy. Dogs are the ones who seem to understand us on a level even we cannot fathom.

It’s just plain and simple! Dogs will have your back no matter what! They will motivate you, do take risks when you are afraid to do something on your own! They will never leave you hanging and one of the perks of having a dog is that you will never eat alone again! Happiness is a warm hug from your best friend!

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