Spiritual blindness and deafness to God Part-2

8 months ago

Jesus Christ condemned the confederacy, and that is why they lost the Civil War in America.

Providence was not with them because God was not with them. If God had been with them, they would’ve won. There are still people today who live in Adam in denial of the historical facts of why the war was fought and it is to the point that serious people cannot and do not take the revisionist history in defense of the south Seriously.

Their cause was on the side of slavery and the state right they claim to have been fighting for was the state right to decide your own laws against the constitution, as the Democrats have always done, to have slavery.

No matter how many people adamantly, fervently and repetitively deny the reality of events, even from the days of the early 1900s, the facts of truth remain. All truth is God‘s truth. In the same way that Democrats lie about why they do things today, the Democrats of the 1800s and early 1900s also lied about why they fought the Civil War, I believe that deep down there is a spiritual guilt in front of Jesus Christ about that war, which causes those who feel connected to the confederacy and the southern side of that war to feel a fear or guilt that makes them want to avoid reality and deny it rather than facing the truth and repenting. Sometimes we are so embarrassed about what we’ve done wrong that we never tell God that we are sorry and we never make up with our friends and neighbors because then we would Have to be humble in front of them. Many people prefer to continue doubling down on a lie, even when it seems ridiculous to everyone else, in order to not give up that pride and feel uncomfortable.

In the same spirit of slavery, Democrats have continued unceasingly until today, trying to enslave everyone - because that is what the confederacy and the Democrats have always been about. The confederacy is the democrat cause, and it is not possible to support the considerate cause without throwing a log jam into your patriotic paradigm where you have to start defending the Democrats sometimes and condemning them at other times, and it’s just inconsistent. It would be like saying that you supported the Soviets of old, but disliked the communists of today, as if there was a difference.

You may be a very nice Christian American patriot, as am I, and yet you may be very deceived and anxious about this issue, because if you had to confront it, and admit to Jesus Christ, our God, and Lord and Savior about it, you might worry what others or God will think of you and your ancestors or your state or your history or your culture. People in America, love God very much, and are afraid that if we admit our sins and the sins of our forefathers, and of our land, end of our history, then we would have to face that and we might be or look guilty in front of people or God. Many people love God so much they never want to sit against him so they keep on sitting and pretend that they didn’t send, as if that would hide us from being questioned about what happened. It’s like Adam and Eve hiding in the garden, covering their sins with fig leaves.

But you do not need to worry about this, because God does not hold children responsible for what their parents do, or people of today for what happened in the past. It is sometimes necessary to break the Satanic curses, which do not come from God’s kingdom, which are connected to our ancestry or our history. But God is not holding you guilty as long as you are not holding send in your mind and heart or believing a lie on purpose.

The past is already settled, and Jesus Christ has already died for everyone’s sins. The Bible says we should speak the truth in our hearts, and let God tell us whatever he’s going to tell us, even if we’re scared to hear what he’s gonna say.

If we love Jesus, and we want to have a relationship with God, and if we want to welcome the Holy Spirit, then we have to leave that door unlocked that he might tell us that we were wrong.

Don’t lock God out. Don’t be deaf and blind and unfeeling to God. Soften your heart.

I think it also needs to be mentioned that you need forgiveness and to forgive others, and the Jesus died on the end came back because he’s all about forgiveness. You need to forgive, and we need to love God with humility, and have the humility…Not pride… to know that we need forgiveness. Sometimes we do something wrong to other people, and then they fight with us and argue with us because what we did to them, but instead of being sorry to them for what we did, we stay angry at them for fighting with us over it, and sometimes we start a fight, and we do something wrong, and other people fight with us, and those people go too far to do something that they shouldn’t have done. then both people are offended and hurt. But no matter who started it or why, Jesus Christ commands, that we forgive, and then we also receive forgiveness for our own sins and humility not telling lies with narcissism arrogance, your pride to pretend that we didn’t sin.

The book of first John says that if we say that we didn’t sin, the truth of God is not in us and when we start denying what we really did do, it starts separating us from relationship with God.

If you want to get back into the story of manifest destiny and God’s continuing plan for America today, and if you want to get back two of you that God has a divine providence and control over what’s going on in America for our good and for a beautiful thing that he started in 1776, then get on this wagon train right now because we’re headed out.

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